Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Point Blank Indonesia

Point Blank is a fast paced online first-person shooter, which is very similar in terms of gameplay to Counter-Strike. In Point Blank, players join either the Free Rebels or CT-Force team (the Free Rebels is based on the Terrorists from Counter-Strike, while CT-Force is based on the Counter-Terrorists). Each team attempts to complete their mission objective and/or eliminate the opposing team. Each round starts with the two teams spawning simultaneously, usually at opposite ends of the map from each other.
Point Blank was originally developed by South Korean software company Zepetto, who licensed the game to other companies. It has been launched in South Korea (published by NCSoft in March 2008), Thailand (published by NCTrue, February 2009), Indonesia (published by PT. Kreon, July 2009) etc.


Bagaimanakah cara bermain game ini?
Ikuti langkah-langkah sederhana berikut ini :

1. Kunjungi situs resmi Point Blank Indonesia
2. Bagi anda yang belum menjadi anggota gemscool, silahkan daftar dulu di tombol DAFTAR

3. Kembali ke halaman awal website, klik menu DOWNLOAD (1) lalu klik submenu Client & Patch (2)

 4. Pada Full Client Download, klik tombol Download (3) lalu klik Save File untuk mendownload.
     Tunggu hingga proses download selesai (Lamanya proses donwload tergantung koneksi yang anda

5. Install sesuai petunjuk pemasangan
6. Klik tombol Update, maka proses Automatic Update akan berjalan
7. Update selesai ditandai dengan berubahnya tulisan Update menjadi Start
8. Klik tombol Start untuk memulai permainan
9. Login dengan akun yang sudah anda buat (point no 2)


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